The nccr – on the move is the National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) for migration and mobility studies, which has been operational since 2014. The overall scientific aim of the nccr – on the move is to offer a comprehensive and interdisciplinary framework for understanding the character of contemporary migration and mobility to Switzerland. It was established by the Swiss National Science Foundation with the objective of fostering an innovative and competitive field of research on migration and mobility in Switzerland.

Crises, Migration and (Im)Mobility:
Towards a Reflexive and Multilevel Approach

Intro Site Visit 2021

COVID-19, A Crisis of Both Internal and International Mobility

The video presents the Migration and Mobility in a Pandemic (MMP) tool, based on two collected datasets providing systematic information on which governments have taken which measures and at what moment. This project was co-funded by the Research Council of the European University Institute and carried out in collaboration with GLOBALCIT.

Effects of COVID-19 on the Migrant Population in Switzerland

The video presents the results of the Migration-Mobility survey, organized every two years, which provided us with the opportunity to measure the impact of the first wave of the Covid 19 pandemic on the lives of 7,400 migrants of foreign nationality residing in Switzerland at the time.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Border Discourses

The video shows research results on the impact of COVID-19 on border discourses and communication regarding mobility in Europe.

Support and Opposition to Migration

The video shows research results on support or opposition to migration in times of crisis.

Citizenship, Migration and Mobility in a Pandemic

In this video, we present four key findings from our project Citizenship, Migration and Mobility in a Pandemic (CMMP).
You can learn more about the project at

Public Lecture Series nccr – on the move Fall 2020

nccr – on the move: The Migration-Mobility Nexus